
Thursday, 12 May 2011

Now to seksimi? Gangyumi 'perforated dress' exposure to the chest line


From left Kim Sook, in Seoul, gangyumi. Photo courtesy | multicast
In Seoul, gangyumi, Kim Sook, has transformed two exceptional agent, agent fatale.

Department of multicast channel featuring fashion and makeup in the beginning of June ohbeosyo 'Miss Congeniality (美' s agent) of MC in Seoul, gangyumi, Kim Sook, revealed 23 days of the poster image.
In Foster Park So Hyun, causing the illusion wore costumes, gangyumi perforated top of a chest full of reversal bodirain introduced geongangmi dress. Kim Sook, the alluring smoky makeup and costumes showed off a different charm.

From left Kim Sook, in Seoul, gangyumi. Photo courtesy | multicast

To proceed with these two 'Miss Congeniality' three months of the client, who appeared for more than a total of 40 will attempt to transform. Will be broadcast in June and ahead of the first recording is currently recruiting applicants.

Park So Hyun and main MC of the client with human distress is expected to hear. Park So Hyun "The variety of people who belonged to change with the responsibility to lead extraordinary" and "outward-focused, not only the changes of their injuries while bodeumeu life in a variety of senior counsel will not be spared," he said.

'Miss Congeniality' crew, "Kim Sook as mateonni crisp and realistic, based on personal experience mentoring gangyumi anyone who can fairly high hopes," he said.

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